With the update of the CDC guidelines we are now allowing more flexibility. We will continue our efforts to keep equipment sanitary. In regards to our mask policy we are now leaving the requirement of masks to the Host's and players discretion.
Our staff will continue to be prepared and use masks at all events per the costumers' preference.
Here are some of the current recommended CDC guidelines along with extra measures that our team members will be abiding by to keep you safe:
• Hand washing reminders will be occurring throughout the day.
• We are only doing games of 12 or less players and are only doing outdoor games.
• We will be wiping down guns between uses with disinfectant wipes.
• Our head bands use hygienic cuffs that will be changed for each new player.
While we are committed to keeping you and our team members healthy and safe, we cannot guarantee you won’t be exposed to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. We ask that you help to protect yourself and others too by following these recommendations:
• Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.
• Maintain your distance from others.
• Cover your mouth and nose.
• Avoid touching unnecessary surfaces.
• If you’re sick, please don’t participate and encourage your family not to participate until you are well.
Let’s help keep each other healthy!